VideosZakir Naik

Why did Allah give Hidaayah only to Cassius Clay, Sonny Bill Williams, Mike Tyson and some others…

Why did Allah give Hidaayah only to Cassius Clay, Sonny Bill Williams, Mike Tyson and some others who Reverted to Islam and why did he not give Hidaayah to Everyone in the World? – Dr Zakir Naik


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  1. Not just being converted but Muhamed Ali was so intelligent and devoted muslim ,he could make dawah very easy,his opinions about issues of Islam were so deep for someone which did not study Islam,just click on you tube ….

  2. 🇸🇬Singapore Wishes Great Dr Zakir Naik!👏👏
    𝖳 𝖱 𝖴 𝖤 𝖲 𝖯 𝖨 𝖱 𝖨 𝖳 𝖴 𝖠 𝖫 𝖨 𝖳 𝖸 @ 𝖱 𝖤 𝖫 𝖨 𝖦 𝖨 𝖮 𝖭.
    True Spiritually [Religion] is a matter of 𝗜𝗡𝗗𝗜𝗩𝗜𝗗𝗨𝗔𝗟 𝗖𝗢𝗡𝗩𝗜𝗖𝗧𝗜𝗢𝗡 by his own experience,,, it cannot be 𝗦𝗢𝗠𝗘𝗕𝗢𝗗𝗬'𝗦 𝗣𝗥𝗢𝗙𝗘𝗦𝗦𝗜𝗢𝗡 from textbooks!

  3. Muhammad Ali and Mike Tyson have never been Muslims, they both hold clear kufr and shirk views and were secularists. Secularism is shirk. Malcolm X also was a secularist. Taking shahaadah, wanting to be Muslim, calling yourself Muslim, and even praying etc don't make anyone a Muslim. Someone has to be clear of the causes of kufr and accept the meaning of the shahaadah…that means rejecting the taaghoot and their awaliyaa and ansaar, making baraa from the taaghoot and worshippers of the taaghoot. The shahaadah means taking Allah as the only ilaah, the only Shaari' and Haakim. Man-made law is the opposite of Islam. The Quran, prophethood, Islam came to call men to submission to the guidance, Laws and system of Allah as conveyed and applied by the prophet (saw).

  4. It is interesting how Islam exists till this day with the authentic laws of life that ground half of the planet. Rome fell because they failed by obeying to the laws that made them so strong, America is falling because they are raping their democratic laws.
    It is actually quite simple, the law is the existing core of a nation, and Islam by existing(authentically) till this day shows that it is the truth, the carrier of truth.

  5. Sunan an-Nasa'i 3959
    It was narrated from Anas, that the Messenger of Allah had a female slave with whom he had intercourse, but 'Aishah and Hafsah would not leave him alone until he said that she was forbidden for him. Then Allah, the Mighty and Sublime, revealed:
    "O Prophet! Why do you forbid (for yourself) that which Allah has allowed to you.' until the end of the Verse.

  6. Abrahamic logic (Judaism,Christianity, Islam) is based on messiah hero worship , so hero image is important.

    Brahmic logic ( Sanaathan Dharma, Pagan s, Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism Sikhism..) is based on Nature worship, knowledge gathering, so Dharma(Good) vs Adharma (evil) logic is important

  7. In the name of Allah and book new world translation Jehovah in Jesus name you do not have a Covent of Pease with Allah and Jesus to kill one Gen21.19 dutt4.15 mathew12.42 Revalation4.7 Ezekiel is to kill Rahab Joshua Israel you lost evey ammen

  8. You sat there saying that these poor Hindus don't have The Bible in front of them so you lied to them about The Bible why don't you answer me you will stop killing my children because they're Hindus because you hate God Jehovah and Jesus name Revalation4.7 Gen21.19 God poverty Revalation4.7 in Jesus name Ezekiel

  9. Your terrorism against Jesus Christ in the name of revelations will stop your mouth I said I love God in Jesus name and you mohammad said F…. you God and Jesus f… me wow your out of your mind legion they all say they speak as one to kill Jesus that hindu Gen21.19 poverty Revalation4.7 lord Jesus

  10. Save your soul and your loved ones and many others who are far from God! Until it's not too late. Because Hell really exists! And in this life, one can hope for the salvation of the Lord God, and for the fact that there is physical death! But if a person goes to hell, then there is no more salvation, because a person is given a chance to save his soul in order to go to heaven, to the Lord God!
    I beg you, dear Brothers and Sisters, read the Bible, the New Testament! Know the Truth, don't be deceived. Save yourself and your loved ones from eternal torment in Hell and in fiery water and from eternal torment that demons deliver on the orders of Satan! This material world of vanity is a springboard for testing the soul, which is given to us from birth!
    I wish all unbelievers, atheists, superstitious, agnostics and people of other religions to wake up and live in the name of the Lord God.
    Live a worldly life, but be careful of the seduction of Satan (disobedience to the Truth, parents, non-recognition of the Bible as the Word of God. Salvation through the Holy Spirit, Jesus Christ and the Father of the Creator of the entire universe! As one person!. Pray from the heart in the name of Jesus Christ, in the name of His Glory, In the name of the salvation of His children on the entire planet Earth, because He is the Truth, the Road and Life to eternal life! Do good deeds in the name of Jesus Christ! Fast, spread the Word of God (in particular the New Testament! The Gospel of Matthew, John, the Acts of the Apostles, the Epistle to the Romans, the First and Second Epistle to the Corinthians, the Book of Revelation and other books!

  11. احفظ نفسك وأحبائك والعديد من البعيدين عن الله! حتى لا يفوت الأوان. لأن الجحيم موجود بالفعل! وفي هذه الحياة ، يمكن للمرء أن يأمل في خلاص الرب الإله ، وفي حقيقة أن هناك موتًا جسديًا! ولكن إذا ذهب الإنسان إلى الجحيم ، فلا يوجد خلاص آخر ، لأن الإنسان مُنح فرصة لخلاص نفسه من أجل الذهاب إلى الجنة ، إلى الرب الإله!
    أتوسل إليكم ، أيها الإخوة والأخوات الأعزاء ، أن تقرأوا الكتاب المقدس ، العهد الجديد! اعرف الحقيقة ، لا تنخدع. تنقذ نفسك وأحبائك من العذاب الأبدي في الجحيم وفي الماء الناري ومن العذاب الأبدي الذي يسلمه الشياطين بأوامر من الشيطان! هذا العالم المادي من الغرور هو نقطة انطلاق لاختبار الروح ، التي أعطيت لنا منذ الولادة!
    أتمنى لجميع غير المؤمنين والملحدين والمؤمنين بالخرافات واللاأدريين والأديان الأخرى أن يستيقظوا ويعيشوا باسم الرب الإله.
    عِش حياة دنيوية ، لكن احذر من إغواء الشيطان (عصيان الحق ، الوالدين ، عدم الاعتراف بالكتاب المقدس على أنه كلمة الله. الخلاص بالروح القدس ، يسوع المسيح وأب خالق الكل الكون كشخص واحد! صل من القلب باسم يسوع المسيح ، باسم مجده ، باسم خلاص أولاده على كوكب الأرض كله ، لأنه الحق والطريق والحياة إلى الحياة الأبدية! افعلوا الأعمال الصالحة باسم يسوع المسيح! بسرعة ، انشروا كلمة الله (ولا سيما العهد الجديد! إنجيل متى ، يوحنا ، أعمال الرسل ، رسالة بولس الرسول إلى أهل رومية ، الرسالة الثانية إلى أهل كورنثوس ، سفر الرؤيا وكتب أخرى!

  12. عدد الوحش 666 ، هذا ليس عددًا كاملاً ، أي تعليم كاذب. دين خدع كثيرين وخدع أكثر من 1.5 مليار إنسان على وجه الأرض بأن الله هو الخالق ، والمسيح المخلص محمد ، وأحد الأنبياء الكذبة الذين ماتوا ، أحمد ديدات ، والآن ذاكر نايك! تنتشر التعاليم الكاذبة في اليابان بالفعل.
    أتمنى ، بمشيئة الرب ، أن يكون كل شيء كما خططه ، ليخلص الناس من شر خداع الثالوث الخاطئ!

  13. The lies of Islam are enormous! Did you know the Arabic slave trade took an estimated 120 million African slaves in their history?? Far far more than the European slave trade and even under worse conditions than the European slave trade. Muhammad also kept and sold black slaves by the boat load. He also sold 2 black slaves for one white slave.
    Casius clay, later Muhammad Ali was lied to by his Muslim preacher who told him it was his white slave owner's name. The original Casius clay played a huge part to end slavery in America. Muhammad Ali was given the name by his grandfather in honor of the man who help end slavery.
    Muslims you have absolutely no idea just how much your teachers and apologists lie to you about my faith Christianity and even yours. Let me show you video evidence of Zakir Naik and so so so many more of your best and most well known teachers and apologists caught lying threw their teeth about my faith and even yours.

  14. Assalamualaikum Dr Zakir! It is being mentioned in Hadith in Sahi Bukkhari , book of Divine Will that when child is in mother's womb it has been written wheather he will be from people of guidance or he would went astray. Then all those people who don't get guidance, what is their fault?

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