The Reality of Horoscopes, Palmistry, Astrology or Fortune Telling – Dr Zakir Naik
The Reality of Horoscopes, Palmistry, Astrology or Fortune Telling – Dr Zakir Naik
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Dr Zakir Naik
We dont believe in horoscope/palm readings/fortune tellings:
1-assumptions not a concrete science
2-against Quranic verse
3-illogical:ambiguos statements
4-Full believing to things other than Allah
5-Eg:Life partner:Virtue,iman,lineage
not horoscope
Nostradamus have predicted many things , and they all are true. Update yourself beyond islam.
How can you compare throwing arrows with horoscope? Horoscope is based on planetary positions, so it's not probability theory. Pls consider the verses of holy Quran which says human fate is related with sky or planets. I think Mr. Naik should reconsider his decision.
Religions are also not established science. In religion what one believes is true, everything else is false.
Very funny Mr.Zakir you are telling that knowing future is inaccurate and it is just assumption and Muslim should not believe , but frequently you are giving the refrences of Bhavishya Purana ( Bhavishya means future) to prove that Lord Kalki is Prophet Mohammad, one thing you need to accept that horoscope concept mentioned in Bhavishya Purana is correct or reject the whole Bhavishya Purana and stop giving references…!!? What is your stand!!??😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣
numerology, astrology, fengshui, architecture are miracles showed by Harut & Marut angels by Allah's permission in ancient babylon. its not to makes human practiced it, but it was a trial for mankind as they should only follow Allah's guidances.
Ex muslim
Vedic Astrology is based on knowledge about the cosmos and planets that affect our lives and evolution as souls. This divine knowledge was revealed to the great Rishis of India as a result of deep meditation, thousands of years ago. Such knowledge is not found in the Semitic faiths.
Jazak Allah feek. May Allah bless the sheikh-Ameen. May Allah keep the sheikh safe and sound-Ameen
when present (nearly 10000 years ago)science is not developed, astrology in hinduism calculated the distance between sun and earth, distance between earth and moon and the distance between earth and other planets and each plant rotation time, orbit and their volume . All these proved to be correct in present day science. So a lay man like Zakir Hussain cannot understand. First he should learn fundamentals of astrology and then debate or preach
Science is: that a cat will not walk on the quran, that no birds and planes will fly over the kaaba. Science is also that the kaaba is exactly in the centre of the earth.
Oh and what about all the science in the quran, so elaborate, so true…
'It's a science but not an established science' . LMAO.
This man does not know science, he is 'a medical doctor', but yet does not know anything about science.
He does not even know how to read arabic…but yet he lectures from an translated quran….think about it.
My name is Tamjid. I'm living in saudi Arabic. I'm working coordinator in manpower/supplier office. My question is "Do Manpower/Supplier office permitted in islam?". please,I would have benefited if you had answered.
My name is Tamjid. I'm living in saudi Arabic. I'm working coordinator in manpower/supplier office. My question is "Do Manpower/Supplier office permitted in islam?". please,I would have benefited if you had answered.
My name is Tamjid. I'm living in saudi Arabic. I'm working coordinator in manpower/supplier office. My question is "Do Manpower/Supplier office permitted in islam?". please,I would have benefited if you had answered.
My name is Tamjid. I'm living in saudi Arabic. I'm working coordinator in manpower/supplier office. My question is "Do Manpower/Supplier office permitted in islam?". please,I would have benefited if you had answered.
My name is Tamjid. I'm living in saudi Arabic. I'm working coordinator in manpower/supplier office. My question is "Do Manpower/Supplier office permitted in islam?". please,I would have benefited if you had answered.
My name is Tamjid. I'm living in saudi Arabic. I'm working coordinator in manpower/supplier office. My question is "Do Manpower/Supplier office permitted in islam?". please,I would have benefited if you had answered.
My name is Tamjid. I'm living in saudi Arabic. I'm working coordinator in manpower/supplier office. My question is "Do Manpower/Supplier office permitted in islam?". please,I would have benefited if you had answered.
My name is Tamjid. I'm living in saudi Arabic. I'm working coordinator in manpower/supplier office. My question is "Do Manpower/Supplier office permitted in islam?". please,I would have benefited if you had answered.
My name is Tamjid. I'm living in saudi Arabic. I'm working coordinator in manpower/supplier office. My question is "Do Manpower/Supplier office permitted in islam?". please,I would have benefited if you had answered.
My name is Tamjid. I'm living in saudi Arabic. I'm working coordinator in manpower/supplier office. My question is "Do Manpower/Supplier office permitted in islam?". please,I would have benefited if you had answered.
My name is Tamjid. I'm living in saudi Arabic. I'm working coordinator in manpower/supplier office. My question is "Do Manpower/Supplier office permitted in islam?". please,I would have benefited if you had answered.
My name is Tamjid. I'm living in saudi Arabic. I'm working coordinator in manpower/supplier office. My question is "Do Manpower/Supplier office permitted in islam?". please,I would have benefited if you had answered.
My name is Tamjid. I'm living in saudi Arabic. I'm working coordinator in manpower/supplier office. My question is "Do Manpower/Supplier office permitted in islam?". please,I would have benefited if you had answered.
My name is Tamjid. I'm living in saudi Arabic. I'm working coordinator in manpower/supplier office. My question is "Do Manpower/Supplier office permitted in islam?". please,I would have benefited if you had answered.
My name is Tamjid. I'm living in saudi Arabic. I'm working coordinator in manpower/supplier office. My question is "Do Manpower/Supplier office permitted in islam?". please,I would have benefited if you had answered.
I wish translated in Indonesia /bahasa
Dr Zakir Can you please mention if 4 Sunnah's raquats prayers are to be prayer in Jumuah before the khutba
Yea Allah give so many many power to jakir naik
Some say that these vaccinations that are being rolled out against the current crisis is the Mark of the Beast which happens during end times. What are your views on this?
And is it safe to take these vaccinations? And if they mandate the vaccinations what is the solution? Quoted "Do not force your sick ones to eat and drink for indeed Allah (the Mighty and Majestic) feeds them and gives them drink.” As-sahih 727.
Masha-allah, very amazing. 🇧🇩
In Sha Allah There should be a highway or railway track connecting all muslim countries so that if any country is in problem then the rest can reach them to help them
PlZ Hindi Urdu me v bole English smjh nii aati
Thankyou. Please hire Engineer Mirza Ali from Pakistan to your group of English or urdu imaams on Peace Tv
God Jesus – God word
Son of God – word of God
I love Jesus – I love his word
Jesus is God – word was God
Lord Jesus – Lord Word
Jesus is Lord – word was Lord
Jesus Christ – word of the Lord
Christ Church – Lord Hause
Dr zakir…u inspire most of us. Especially me as a medical Doctor. May Allah grant u rewards in this world and hereafter,for your efforts in exposure of truth and 'falsehoods'.
A hypothesis is an educated guess established among facts. A hypothesis is NOT a random guess.
King James Version
Revelation 22:18-19
This Book
Exodus 24:7
The Book
1 John 1:5
God is Light
Genesis 1:5
God is The Lord
Psalm 118:27
The Holy Ghost
Luke 3:21-23
His Name One
Zechariah 14:9
One, That is, God.
Matthew 19:14-17
Ma Sha Allah Tabaarak ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Jehova no es invisible éxodo 33.11, 33.23, Jehova nombre inventado año 600 d c falso, El coran dice que los musulmanes, los cristianos y católicos son hermanos en la fe sura 22.40, q un creyente en Dios no ataca otro creyente y se matan entre sunitas y chiitas u otros, prohíbe suicidarse, la opulencia, la rebelión, dice que la tierra es como un tapiz, la política y la religión no pueden caminar juntas, y no quites la vida que es sagrada es como matar a todo el género humano sura 5.32, o es que estais desprovistos de razón, Jehova no es invisible éxodo 33.11, 33.23, pastores tontos y sus seguidores, Jehova y satanás es el mismo 2 samuel 24.1.. 1 crónicas 21.1, Jehova esta en el fuego, su aspecto como serpiente, serpiente símbolo de demonio, engaña Jeremías 4.10, osea mentiroso, manda a matar números 15.32 al 36, pone espíritu de mentira, manda adúlterar con mujer conprometida, Hades, Baal y Jehova es el mismo óseas 2.16, Job 1.8 otra mentira de Jehova (Job el más perfecto de la tierra) Job 9.20 Job lo desmiente, Jehova nombre inventado año 600 d. C falso, todo el antiguo testamento es falso tito 1.14, Dios no tienta a nadie (abran Ismael) perfil anticristos, ayunan, dan diezmo, cargan la biblia, juzgan, se creen salvos Lucas 18.9 al 14 fariseos, el diablo no existe Jesús lo mató hebreos 2.14 el testo es falso, 2 samuel 24.1, 1 crónicas21. 1 lo mismo q óseas 2.16
Nehemias 13.1 se le niega el reino de Jehova a los moabitas mateo 1. 5 los israelitas descienden de los moabitas Rahab la ramera, Jeremías 34.4 al 5….. 52. 8 al 11 sedequias, 1 Reyes 2.33, Jehova dijo q la descendencia de David, tendrá paz perpetua, q mentira, Los q cambia la fe católica queda maldito Galatas 1.6 al 9, una fe, un bautizo, Mentiroso Jehova jeremías 4.10, deuteronomio 15.6 deuda externa, Roma domina Jerusalén año 70 etc, etc, Israel no es el primogénito, es Ismael deuteronomio 21.15 al 17, jueces 19 Israel violadores (12 tribus), Moisés el (profeta) de Jehova más asesino de niños, niñas del mundo números 31.13 al 18,Jehova odia a los q matan niños proverbios 6.16 al 17,(son malditos) no matarás Galatas 3.10.malditos los que no cumplen la ley, x estas fábulas se matan judíos y palestinos tito 1.14, el diablo no existe Jesús lo mató hebreos 2.14 el testo es falso, el coran dice que un creyente en Dios no ataca otro creyente, sunitas y chiitas u otros, el perfil de los anticristos q mataron a él Salvador (Jesús) ayunan, dan diezmo, cargan la biblia juzgan se creen salvos Lucas 18.9, fariseos, hablan en TV, en you tube, como escojidos, solo el 10 %es de Dios en lo nuevo, escudriñar =encontrar la diferencia, ante todo confecion, 1a comunión, matrimonio, mateo 28.20, amar a los enemigos, OJO.. Judas compro un lote grande con las 30 monedas hechos 1.15 al 18.. Un perfume valía 300 monedas. Jehova hizo una estatua =Adán.. Los querub representaban a Jehova querub =toro con alas dios persa. Jehova mando hacer el dios de los egipcios nehustan =la serpiente de bronce números 21.8 al 9. Jehova escultor zacarias 3.9.. Hablar mal de las imágenes es delito.. Sacrilegio romanos 2.22 biblia reina Valera.. En lulú. Com 3 libros gratis La letra la fe El enredo hay mentiras en la biblia….. Pablo era romano de nacimiento y judío de nacimiento hechos 22.28.. Galatas 2.15 pastores mentirosos quien es el evangelista bizco y x que…. Deuteronomio 15.6 que mentira Jerusalén fue dominada año 70. Deuda externa etc….. Jesús fue el segundo rey de reyes ezequiel 26.7…… Se acerca el fin del mundo mateo 28.20 confesión. 1a comunión. Matrimonio multiplica este escrito att el paraclito…. El sábado es maldito Isaias 1.13…..el dios mas arrepentido inventado x los hombres Jeremías 15.6…. Pacto =juramento a Dios no le gustan los juramentos mateo 5.34, la mentira más grande de la historia es esta, hechos habla del emperador Augusto Cesar año 50 e c pero el había muerto hacia 36 años, Hades, Jehova y Baal es el mismo óseas 2.16, el coran prohíbe matar sura 6.151, el coran dice que los musulmanes, los cristianos y católicos son hermanos en la fe sura 22.40, los ángeles son mitología falsos,Jesús les dice a los fariseos iporcritas, Jesús no murió, fue asesinado por los judíos, pilato fue gobernador de cesárea y nunca de Jerusalén, Jesús no cumplió la ley (sábado, no pedradas Juan 8.1 al 12)Juan nunca bautizo a Jesús mateo 11.2 al 4………