Should Zakaat be Paid Every Lunar Year or Once in a Lifetime? – Dr Zakir Naik
Should Zakaat be Paid Every Lunar Year or Once in a Lifetime?
Yusuf Chambers: Some people claim that Zakaat on wealth if above Nisaab has to be paid only once in a lifetime. If you’ve paid Zakaat on a particular wealth or gold, you don’t have to pay it again next year. Is there a difference of opinion in this matter?
Dr. Zakir: Alhumdulillah was salaatu was salaam ala rasoolillah wa ala aalihi wa ashaabihi wa ajma’een. Amma Ba’ad
A’uzu billahi minash shaytan nir-rajeem,
Bismillah hirrahman nirraheem,
Rabbish rahli Şadri Wa Yassir Li ‘Amri Wa Ahlul `Uqdatan Min Lisani Yafqahu Qawli
As far as regarding the question is there a difference of opinion as far as Zakaat should be paid once in a lifetime or it should be paid every year. In the past 1400 years right from the time of the Sahabas till the Salafus-Saliheeh till date never has there been any scholar, any Fuqaha who has ever said that Zakaat should be paid only once in a lifetime, you read the Qur’an, you read the Hadith, the saying of the Prophet, never will you find any Hadith, any Qur’anic verse, any scholar that has ever said that Zakaat should be paid only once, there in no difference of opinion what so ever.
Lately just a few years back this issue has come to the picture and I was there in Chennai a few years back and this same question was asked to me which originated from Chennai that’s South India where this question was asked and there was a local person who had raised this issue and there is ample of evidence from the Hadith that Zakaat should be paid every year and there is no question of difference of opinion and I don’t know how this controversy came up.
If you read the Hadith of Muhammad (Sallallahu alaihe wa sallam), its mentioned in
Sunan Abu Dawud Vol. no. 2 Book of Zakaat Hadith no. 1568, the beloved Prophet Muhammad (Sallallahu alaihe wa sallam) said that
“If you have 200 Dirhams and if you possess it for a period of 1 year then you have to pay 5 Dirhams”
That means 2½%. 1/40th of it
And there is no Zakaat on gold if you have less than 20 Dinaar.
Now here it says you have to pay Zakaat if you possess it for one full complete year. There is no mention that you have to give once in lifetime. It indicates that if you possess for 2 years you have to pay twice, if you have possess for 3 years you have to pay thrice, it’s understood. If anyone says that it has to be given once in lifetime there should be proof in the Qur’an and the Hadith which states clearly.
And there are various other Hadith which clarifies this issue. If you read the Hadith of
Sunan Abu Dawud Vol. no. 2 Book of Zakaat Hadith no. 1577, the beloved Prophet Muhammad (Sallallahu alaihe wa sallam) said that
“Anyone who has 3 signs has sane belief, The one who worships only Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta’ala), who says there is no God worthy of worship except Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta’ala) and one who pays Zakaat on his property agreeably every year.”
So here the statement is clearly mentioned every year. That means Zakaat should be paid every year so there is no difference of opinion at all and it’s an authentic Hadith and furthermore there are various references that can be given that can easily disprove this point that it should be given only once in a lifetime. There’s a Hadith mentioned in
Sahih Bukhari Vol. no. 2 in the Book of Zakaat Hadith no. 1402, you know some people argue that Zakaat should not be paid on livestock…
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